Sunday 9 November 2014

Portfolio experiencemination

So I took my friend to the nearest beach which is Mission bay and tried taking some beauty/fashion photos of her. At the same time I was trying to test out the lighting around 1230/2pm.
It was a cloudy day, with a little bit of sunshine but it kept changing knowing Aucklands weather.

I was aiming for the sort of fashion/natural look again. As I've mentioned many times I love natural lighting, and natural looking photos.
I found out photographing with no sun can be a little boring and gives no colour to your photos. I would prefer to use sunlight with my photos.
It was sort of a mission taking these photos as it kept raining and stopping. I couldn't risk being under the rain as I was a bit sick on that day, so I took it easy and just waited for it to settle down.

Once the weather had settled down we drove down and went near the beach and tried to take a few other photos. I'm not as happy with these photos because the lighting wasn't great, I didn't re-search much about it and I was a little nervous for this shoot. I was afraid of having my camera under rain, I thought it'd ruin or get damaged so I didn't risk it.

Here are a couple of photos I took on the day.
 The photo above is one of my favorite photos. I've added a little bit of vibrance in the photo above to get some colour in the photo as the photos were looking too plain and too boring. I also put in some details by increasing the highlights, as the clouds were too plain again. If you look below you'll know what I'm talking about.  


 I wouldn't choose this photos as my finals as these were more of a experiment to see what type of lighting would look better, or what sort of photos I would like to do for my portfolio. I have learnt that the sun can be the magic of natural lighting and without sun the photos can be extremely boring.

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